Points West Cares
We want to support and create betterment for our community. We are here to provide resources, an environment for those to grow and advance and serve those in our community.
Project Spotlight
Food Bank for Larimer County- Giving back to the community is always top of mind for Points West Community Bank. Especially when we open new locations. Volunteering gives us an opportunity to introduce ourselves as community members to everyone in town. Volunteering is also a team building activity for our new staff members and gives them first-hand experience to see what it means to work for a community bank.

Community Involvement
Giving back to the communities where we work and bank is always a top priority for Points West Community Bank. The organizations listed below are just a few organizations we have been proud to partner with over the years.

- American Cancer Society (Cattle Barons Ball)
- Baby Bear Hugs
- Big Springs Fire Dept.
- Blue Skies Therapeutic Riding
- Community Health Care Foundation
- Creek Valley School-Yearbook
- Dalton Fall Festival
- Farmer Day Fort Sedgwick Historical Society
- Fullerton Area Chamber of Commerce
- Fullerton High School FFA
- Fullerton High School sports
- Gateway Medical Foundation
- Goshen County Fat Stock Sale
- Goshen County Rooster Boosters
- Greeley Downtown Development Authority
- JHS Lion Media
- Julesburg Cruise Night
- Julesburg Drag Strip Julesburg Rec, Julesburg and Ovid Food Banks
- Julesburg Volunteer Fire Dept.
- Kimball Concert association
- Land of Goshen Ministries
- Nance County 4-H
- Ovid Days Color Run
- S.H.O.U.T.
- Santa’s Helpers (Torrington)
- Sedgwick County Booster Club
- Sedgwick County Catch-It-Calf
- Sedgwick County Chamber
- Sedgwick County Economic Development
- Sedgwick County Fair
- Sedgwick County Fair & Rodeo
- Sedgwick County Football Team
- Sedgwick County Organized Rec
- Sedgwick County Post Prom
- Sedgwick Harvest Festival
- Sedgwick Volunteer Fire Dept.
- South Platte School District
- Torrington Little League
- Travis Reimers Memorial Golf Event
- UCHealth Northern Colorado Foundation
- University Schools (Greeley)
- Weld Legacy Foundation
- Women’s Fund of Weld County
Let’s Shoot
the Breeze
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