Now and days, a lot of people use online banking to check their account balance or to pay their bills online. You always have to set up an account on the company’s website which will ask for login information and a password and sometimes your debit card information, or bank account number. There are many ways to help prevent a theft getting a hold of your password, to get online to get a hold of your personal information.
First off, never leave sticky notes or any piece of paper around your house with your password on it. Furthermore, you should never carry around anything that has your personal information on it. It is best to keep a mental note in your head of passwords. Make sure your password is complicated and strong, it should not be anything easy or anything that someone may know. Try to create a password using numbers, characters and symbols if possible, your password should be at least 7 characters long. Try not to use common words like abc123, try to use different passwords that no one would know. Stay away from your name, birthdate, phone number, etc. You should always change your password every 90 days, for security purposes in case someone gets ahold of your old password. It is easier for a hacker to get into more of your personal information if passwords are easy and used frequently.