Holiday Budgeting Tips

The holidays are approaching, and if it’s like last year, 46 percent of Americans will feel pressured into spending more than they can afford. Avoiding falling into the trap of overspending can be difficult, but if you develop a plan for holiday budgeting, you’re more likely to ring in the new year with your finances … Read more

Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Points West Community Bank ensures safety and security with customers. We actively protect customer money and accounts with our security procedures. You should feel safe with your money in our hands. October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, an annual campaign to raise awareness about cyber security through public resources. These are tips for cybersecurity for … Read more

Safe Online Banking Practices

Points West Community Bank Online Banking

In early 2017, one of America’s big-three credit bureaus, Equifax, had a security breach impacting over 143 million Americans by taking their names, Social Security numbers  and other personal information. While data breaches are a risk of modern life, knowing how to keep yourself – and your money – safe while online isn’t as daunting … Read more

Identify Theft

Points West Community Bank Identity Theft

Having your identity stolen can be scary and overwhelming. While there are many services available to monitor and protect your identity, sometimes the worst case scenario can come to fruition. Always view your bank statements and stay up to date on your credit score. Knowing these things can allow you to make quick decisions and … Read more

Back to School Banking

Back to School Banking

It’s time to shop for new pencils and notebooks, make plans for after-school care and purchase a new school year’s wardrobe. For parents, back to school is a time of expenses. It’s also a great time to start teaching children financial skills through a back-to-school savings account. Financial literacy is a critical skill for adulthood, … Read more

Watch Out For Fake Apps!

The holidays are here and the scammers are out in force. Their latest trick is fake apps. Starbucks started the first “retail app” it, and many stores have followed. But scammers are now creating fake apps, trick you into downloading them to your smartphone or tablet, and ask you to load your credit card information … Read more